MCAS – My Child at School
MCAS (My Child At School) is our parent app.
MCAS allows you to report absences, view key information like your child's timetable, attendance. We also use the app for most communication and alerts.
Parents receive an email with details on how to activate their account. If you have not received this, please see the information below.
Why use MCAS
Update Information
This section shows the current data we store on you and your child/children. Changes can be made by adding a new address/telephone number/email address and clicking the green ‘Save’ button. When information is updated in MCAS, this will be checked and approved by the office team
This section allows you to view your child’s timetable, including the lesson times and teachers.
This section allows you to view your child’s attendance.
Invitation Email
Subject will be : MCAS - Redeem Invitation Code
From :
This email includes School ID (14065), Username, Invitation Code
Please check your spam if you can't find the invite email.
Access key information from your web browser
Access key information on your mobile device

Whats my username?
Your Username is provided in the invite email and is NOT your email address.
If you have not received your parent login name yet please contact with the following information to help us process your request.
- Full Name of the Student
- Year and Tutor group
- Relationship to the student
- Date of Birth of the student
FAQ : Page Shakes when signing up
Your password might not contain the requirements. Please check you have the below.
- be long (at least 8 characters);
- include:
- Uppercase letters
- lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Punctuation marks
Text Messages from Gloucester Academy
Our Text Message Services will display from the below
- "GloucesterAcademy"
- "447860054557"
- "07860054557"
We advise you save this number in your contacts. Please note this number doesn't support calls
Setting a Strong Password Advice
The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) confirms that a strong password will:
- be long (at least 8 characters);
- include a range of characters, such as:
- Uppercase and lowercase letters
- Numbers
- Punctuation marks
- Other symbols
- not contain dictionary words, where possible;
- not include simple substitutions of characters, e.g. "p4$$w0rd";
- not include patterns derived from the keyboard layout, e.g. "qwerty".
We advises all parents to use strong passwords to protect the confidential personal information contained within MCAS. Parents should also avoid using obvious choices of passwords, such as the name of your child or pet, as someone could find such information elsewhere.
Do Not Share Passwords Never disclose your password to another individual, whether this be a family member or other individual, for any reason. If you think that someone else knows your password, change it immediately.
The Biometric System
The biometric system is an automated recognition of information held on your child. This is not your child’s fingerprint but rather a series of numbers created from your child’s fingerprint. A fingerprint scanner system has two basic jobs - it needs to obtain an image of a finger, and then determine whether the pattern of ridges and valleys in this image matches the pattern of ridges and valleys in pre-scanned images.
Only specific characteristics, which are unique to every fingerprint, are filtered and saved as an encrypted biometric key or mathematical representation. No image of a fingerprint is ever saved, only a series of numbers (a binary code), which is used for verification. The algorithm cannot be reconverted to an image, so no one can duplicate your child’s fingerprint.
The law places specific requirements on School 's when using student’s personal information, such as biometric information, for the purposes of an automated biometric recognition system.
For example:
a) The School cannot use the information for any purpose other than those for which it was originally obtained and made known to the parent/carers (i.e. catering)
b) The School must ensure that the information is stored securely;
c) The School must tell you what it intends to do with the information;
d) Unless the law allows it, the School cannot disclose personal Information to any third party.
e) Your child’s biometric information will only be shared with the supplier of the biometric system. This is necessary in order to set it up.
Full Guide for MCAS Parent Guide - Download
Student App
Website - Here - Use Sign in with Google
App - iOS - Google Play - The school ID is 14065 and use the magic link to gain access via your school email address