Be a part of the start of the day: Thursday 21st October 2021
Dear GA Year 7 Families
We are writing to you at the end of your children’s first term as Gloucester Academy students. It has been a privilege to work with your children; and you, supporting them in becoming outstanding ambassadors for the school and the community. We have been delighted to see Year 7 settle swiftly into the Gloucester Academy routines and way of life, and take their first steps up their own personal mountain to the very best universities and professions.
As always, we are very keen for you to share the experience of being a student at our school, and welcome dialogue with families.
Morning Line Up and the Tutor Time Reading Programme
We want all of our parents to have a concrete understanding of how the day runs at Gloucester Academy, why it runs the way that it does, and how it will benefit the students. We would like to invite our Year 7 parents into school, to witness a morning line up routine on Thursday 21st October 2021. Miss Exton will meet you at the Norbury Avenue gate between 8:20am and 8:35am. From here parents will receive a welcome hot drink, information sheet and will be able to watch how line up works, we will then go through to the Year 7 home zone whereby you will have the opportunity to oversee and become involved in our tutor time reading programme.
When watching our tutor time ready programme in action, if you wish you will also be able to read to the students. Parents will then be free to leave from 9:10am so we can continue with the school day. If your questions haven’t been answered then there will be an opportunity to book an appointment with a member of the leadership team or Mrs Veness.
On departing the Academy parents will be provided with a copy of our ‘A day at GA’ booklet which we use to ensure students have clarity on what happens, and crucially, why it happens, each day at GA.
Unit 1 Celebration and Assessment Fortnight 29th November to 10th December 2021
During the final two weeks of Unit 21 there will be a series of celebratory events which you have an open invite to attend. For example, to see your child's art work in an exhibition, to witness a drama production, spectate an inter house sports competition, amongst a host of other celebration activities. The full timetable for these opportunities will be distributed very shortly.
We very much look forward to seeing you at both events,
Yours sincerely
Mr N Nabarro Miss S Exton
Deputy Headteacher Assistant Headteacher