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Gloucester Academy

Year 7 Admissions

The Greenshaw Learning Trust is the admissions authority for Gloucester Academy. 
The Greenshaw Learning Trust admissions policy can be found here

"As headteacher, I see it as a great privilege when a parent allows us the honour of educating their child. We are on an incredibly exciting journey, one I would wholly recommend your child join us on."
– P Lewis, Headteacher 

We promise to: 

  • Provide a challenging, and academic, curriculum ‘grammar school expectations for all’.
  • Support every child in their ‘own personal journey to the very best university or profession’.
  • Provide disruption free learning
  • Embed a comprehensive literacy and reading programme.
  • Provide an opportunity for all students to represent the academy, be it in sports teams or other challenges.
  • Expect students to ‘work hard and be kind’.
  • Have exemplary standards of uniform, punctuality and behaviour at all times.
  • Provide support to allow all children to achieve.
  • Have specialist teachers in every classroom, teaching their own subject.
  • Create a warm, welcoming and rewarding culture for all students

If you have not been able to attend our open evening or one of our open mornings, please contact the school to arrange a convenient time for a tour:

Applications for admission to Year 7

Applications to Year 7 at Gloucester Academy are co-ordinated by Gloucestershire County Council.

Applications for admission to Year 7 at Gloucester Academy must be made in October of the year before admission to the child’s home local authority on their Common Application Form, naming Gloucester Academy as a preference on the form.

Applications must be made by the parent. Parent refers to the person with ‘parental responsibility’ for the child or the child’s designated carer. Where the applicant is not the natural birth parent, this should be indicated on the application form.

Applications may be made online for Year 7 places here where comprehensive information about the admissions and application process is available. Applications for secondary school places must be made no later than 31 October. 

If you are resident outside Gloucestershire, you should apply through your own local authority.

Click on the link below for the relevant year of entry, to view the school's admission arrangements.

Admission arrangements for entry to Year 7 in September 2024

Admissions arrangements for entry to Year 7 in September 2025 can be found here.  Please scroll down to Gloucester Academy.

Admission arrangements for entry to Year 7 in September 2025

Admissions arrangements for entry to Year 7 in September 2025 can be found here.  Please scroll down to Gloucester Academy.

Consultation on the proposed admission arrangements for entry to Year 7 in September 2026

Gloucester Academy consulted on the proposed amendments to the admission arrangements for entry in September 2026 between Thursday 7 November and Thursday 19 December 2024.
The consultation has now closed. All responses will be carefully considered and reviewed by the Greenshaw Learning Trust Board of Trustees by 28 February 2025.

 Our privacy notices can be found here.